Unique watercolor portraits and pet portraits as seen on dooce.com, marthastewart.com and The Pioneer Woman. Commissions gladly accepted.


With clients on all continents except Antarctica (penguins are apparently not big fans of my work) I rarely, RARELY meet my clients. Not knowing what someone “really” looks like can be a blessing and a curse. Ninety-nine percent of the time, I only have a 2-dimensional photograph for reference. So on the few occasions where someone says, “that eyebrow isn’t quite right” or “her eyes look brown in the photo but they’re really green” I have the excuse of not really knowing the person to ease my ego.

When I paint someone that I know personally – my family, my pets, my friends – I burden myself with an extra layer of artistic responsibility to “get it right.”

When our friends Ari and Amanda were married this spring, I knew I wanted to paint a portrait of adorable Killian. Unbeknownst to them, I trolled Amanda’s Facebook page for this great shot. (Fact: internet snooping is one of my superpowers.)


I was pretty pleased with the likeness. Amanda told me, “The painting is prettier than he is!” Which of course is not true but I am not above taking a compliment at the expense of a child.



They had a lovely wedding, worthy of a bridal magazine, no joke. And someone managed to capture this photo of me with Dr. Rossman in his beard-y glory. It’s seriously better than the photos we had at our own wedding. I don’t know who took it but god bless you.


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