
The museum thoughtfully provided a Selfie Station.<\/p><\/div>\r\n

Let me begin by saying I didn't cry.<\/blockquote>\r\nAnd I was pretty sure I would. I mean, I am the person who gets choked up at all manner of awards ceremonies, announcements, thank-you speeches, pageants, sports events, commercials...so I was fully expecting to be a bit messy at the Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera exhibit. However, I managed to hold my self together pretty respectably.\r\n\r\nWithout giving too much away for the folks that are planning on seeing this exhibit<\/a> (through August) I was pleased to see a few paintings of Frida's that I was not familiar with, in addition to many sketches and other works. Dr. Rossman preferred Diego's work, but I told him it's probably because he doesn't understand the beautiful torture of being female. He shrugged.\r\n\r\nThe exhibit, which is on its only North American stop in Phoenix, is glorious. There were many photos of Frida, as well as a gallery of architectural photos taken by her father, Guillermo Kahlo. There was a luscious installation of the traditional clothing Frida favored, as well. One adorable aside: the groups of high school girls on a school trip dressed in Frida garb. OMG cute. That might have made me tear up a bit.\r\n\r\nI saw some of the original prints of photos that have been inspiration for my Frida portraits, which was a treat.\r\n\r\n\"IMG_1557\" \"IMG_1556\" \"IMG_1555\"\r\n

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