The Final Countdown
My 400 Portraits in 400 Days project is in its final days of funding, so if you’ve been thinking about it – now’s the time to sign up! I’ve got 56 backers so far, which translates to about 65 portraits. With my last Kickstarter project, support really picked up in the last ten days or so, so I’m hopeful that there are a bunch of people out there just kind of waiting ’til the last minute to pledge.
It’s what I would do.
And remember – all of the support pledged to this project will go directly to renovating my new studio! (Where I intend to make tons and tons of art.) I’ve even added some backer levels for people who might want to “sponsor” one of the windows in my studio, which need weatherproofing for the *moist* Northwest Winter. If you pledge at the $325 level, you get an 8×10 portrait (regular price) and I’ll put a sticker in my window that names you as a sponsor.
It’s just like Nascar.
If you plan on ordering a painting in 2013 (holiday, birthday, anniversary, baby shower?) this is the way to do it to insure a good place in the queue. Depending on how many backers I have at the end of this (for example, if I meet the 400 portrait goal), my availability for commissions could be limited.
In the meantime, most of the projects in my house that have been disrupting my workflow and damaging my calm are at an end. I painted four portraits this weekend and it felt good. Real good.