Unique watercolor portraits and pet portraits as seen on dooce.com, marthastewart.com and The Pioneer Woman. Commissions gladly accepted.

Cart Before Horse

Ever since I bought my new trailer to renovate as studio space, my mom and I have been scouring flea markets, Etsy, antique malls and Craigslist for mid-century goodies. A formica table and chairs for my desk. A 50s era television to make into a bar. A martini set.  Eames chairs.

Bear in mind – the trailer still needs to be renovated – like, serious things – window gaskets, plumbing and flooring. So I am gathering all these little lovelies in my house and garage because I can’t help myself.

Sometimes the thrill is in the chase, no?





Meanwhile, over at Kickstarter, my 400 Portraits in 400 Days project is going great. I’ve met my first funding goal, and have set a new one. The main thing is that I’d really like to get to 400 backers, regardless of portrait sizes. Not only will the funds raised by this project go toward renovating my new studio, more importantly, it’s a really big project that I want to see through. So please tell your friends, post on Facebook, Twitter, email, whatever. I’m at 36 backers right now with about a month to go. My last project had 117 backers so I am confident this is a realistic goal. Join me!



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