Unique watercolor portraits and pet portraits as seen on dooce.com, marthastewart.com and The Pioneer Woman. Commissions gladly accepted.

A Skull A Day

A skull every three days, rather. That’s about the pace I will have to keep to finish my Dia de los Muertos series in a year. So far, I have 64 backers but some have ordered multiple paintings. And yes, it was inevitable. Someone asked if I would paint Dia de los Muertos pet portraits. Of course I will. I just have to figure out what that might look like. People are easier to draw with skull faces because one can imagine the idea of face paint. Pets are more…hairy. I’m going to test out some theories on Ron Weasley.

Scalin scan

There are still nine days left to support my Dia de los Muertos portrait project on Kickstarter! (Link on sidebar.)

Tell your friends.

UPDATED: A Dia de Los Muertos pet portrait might look something like this (a Sharpie sketch on photo of Ron Weasley.)

Sketch for a Dia de Los Muertos pet portrait, starring Ron Weasley.

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