Unique watercolor portraits and pet portraits as seen on dooce.com, marthastewart.com and The Pioneer Woman. Commissions gladly accepted.

Old Pro

I’m getting pretty good at this first day of school thing. This is like, my fifth year at it.

It only took two adults two hours to get two children out the door. Then I had one kid who wanted to walk to school, and one who wanted to ride. But both wanted me to see them to their classroom. So I let one walk, and one rode with me. Then we met out front and walked in together.

Because nothing in our family is simple.


She described her outfit thusly: "Punk on the bottom, serious in the middle and pure cuteness on the top." I can't make this stuff up.


Yes, that's a mohawk.


I love school supplies.

I love back to school. It means back to routine, back to real cooking and baseball practice. Back to cooler weather, back to fingerless gloves and the Crock-Pot.

It also means my studio cat Ron Weasley returns to his bed next to my desk.

It’s my favorite time of the year.


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