It Really IS Who You Know
Remember last year when I went to the MTV Movie Awards celebrity gift lounge? Right. Well, it was sort of a last-minute thing, meaning, I didn’t have a a budget to you know, get there and back and feed myself and transport art and stay at a fancy L.A. hotel and everything. But I really wanted to go. So I tweeted a little and posted a little and before you know it, people were ordering art right and left to fund my trip. My sister’s mother-in-law even traded in some of her airline miles to buy my ticket which was over the top nice. In return, and because she’s family, I told her I’d paint her grandchildren. It’s taken me nearly a year to paint four of her six grandkids (two of which are my niece and nephew) but she’s been patient, which I appreciate just as much as those plane tickets.
Four down, two to go.