Sleep: Who needs it?
Spring is magical, isn’t it? The blue skies, the flowers in bloom, the…endless hours of kids’ sports?
It’s May 19 and I’ve spent the last several weeks of daylight in the car or on a bleacher beside a baseball field, karate dojo or track. I’m tired. I can’t remember the last time I cooked a meal that didn’t include a store-bought pre-roasted chicken. I watch my folded laundry stacks diminish throughout the week, only to be built up again on Sunday without ever being put into drawers.
I’ve got to keep baseball pants and karate uniforms gleaming white, lap blankets and snacks at the ready in the trunk of the car. I go to the grocery store every night because I can’t find enough time to plan out the week’s meals like usual. We almost missed a recorder concert because I didn’t go through my son’s backpack in time to find the notice from school.
I need to start and finsh a painting of 21 dogs by June 10.
Oh, and there’s my day job.
Calgon, take me away.
P.S. Did you vote for my painting to be on a wine label yet? It’s #62! Vote before May 21 here.