I have a confession to make. Right here, right now.
It may completely change everything you ever thought you knew about me.
It may change the way you feel about me in the future.
I don’t have a cell phone.
How is this possible, you say!
It’s 2011, you say!
The fact is, my last cell phone was a hot pink flip phone I bought in 2000. It arrived via FedEx on my last day on the job when I was working at a private club in Portland. I was leaving the next day to drive – on my own – from Oregon to Montana where we’d just rented a house. I thought a phone might be a nice thing to have all those lonely miles across the Rockies.
I carried it for awhile but finances were tight and I gave up the phone, along with cable television and gym memberships. I became a stay at home mom and with a little baby, was never really that far from my land line anyway so I didn’t miss it. That was almost ten years ago.
When I went back to job outside the house I decided it demanded enough of my time during office hours and I wasn’t keen on having another method for “them” to get ahold of me. Like so many things you give up for one reason or another, I found that I really could live without it.
But Oh How I Love Technology.
I am addicted to Twitter. I refresh my email inbox incessantly. My whole business is run on the internet. And darn it, I want to snap photos with INTSTAGRAM.
So the other day I ordered an iPhone and I am waiting patiently for it to arrive so I can join the 21st century again. Maybe then I can start working toward that iPad.
*Other confessions, while we’re at it: I didn’t get my drivers license until I was nearly 20. And I swear like a sailor.*
Rachel, My last cell phone was a tiny flip phone from who knows when. It had no camera and could store only twenty phone #s.
The only reason I switched and got a new phone was because I received it for FREE after years and years of passing by all those upgrades.
I love the camera feature. but I have yet to buy an app….I just don’t see the point.
The 21st century …one step at a time
That is truly amazing you went for so long without a phone let alone an iPhone. I have had my iphone for about 6 weeks and I don’t know why I waited so long oh yea I do the crappy AT&T reception. Now that I have it I wish I had gotten one sooner. I am so much more productive!! I love Tweetdeck too on my phone.
So a BIG FAT WELCOME to Instacrack and don’t say I didn’t warn ya!
PS when no one is listening I drop the f*bomb too 🙂
I LOVE IT. I sat down to paint this morning with my iphone right next to me. My son says, “Now you don’t even have to GET UP to check your email!” While that’s true, so far, I’m using it pretty much exclusively as an Instagram Machine.