Unique watercolor portraits and pet portraits as seen on dooce.com, marthastewart.com and The Pioneer Woman. Commissions gladly accepted.

What I’m Doing on My Spring Break, Part 1

The kids and I made a list of all the things we want to accomplish over Spring Break, and it looks like I’m already setting them up for disappointment. It’s Day 3 and we’ve only marked one thing off the list. I’ve done a lot of painting and they’ve done a lot of going over to friends’ houses…so maybe it’s just that our goals have changed.

We do have a few things to add:

  • Son: make a scroll theater for a book report
  • Me: make a chair for a Chair-ity Auction (get it?)
  • Daughter: No, she is resolute. Her list remains the same.

Tomorrow we are determined to make a sizable dent in the list. There will probably be a movie, a trip to the library and possibly a  museum-type visit of some kind.

Also, just a reminder that there are just 13 days left to support my Kickstarter Calendar Project. Your portrait can be included in the calendar! Author Neil Gaiman is even on board as a backer which which makes me a little faint-y.






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