Unique watercolor portraits and pet portraits as seen on dooce.com, marthastewart.com and The Pioneer Woman. Commissions gladly accepted.


Sometimes I feel like my whole life is a cycle of acquiring possessions and subsequently purging possessions. Know what I mean? Maybe it’s the seasons…in the winter, you pad your nest and in the spring you clean out closets.

One of my favorite things to do is go to estate sales, garage sales and warehouses. I call it “junking.” Most of the time I don’t have anything specific in mind (you’ll only be disappointed) and often I don’t find anything at all. But there’s something interesting and sad and maybe haunting(?) about looking at other people’s stuff and trying to piece together a story.

Maybe that’s it. I like things that look like they have a story.

So this weekend my friend B and I loaded up the monsters and went to a couple of estate sales. I needed a break from painting and what is better than retail therapy?

I found a few things I didn’t know I needed until I saw them. Most found their way into my studio.

This amazing rocker will hopefully lure visitors into my studio. (Besides Ron Weasley.)

My son believes this vintage student chair was from Oregon State.

A vintage Olivetti Lettera 32 circa 1963 was a steal at ten bucks. It's the Don Draper of typewriters.

As I jockeyed the chairs around the house trying to find just the right location for them to live, I realized that none of my favorite things are new. They’re all found, gifted, thrifted or repurposed.

I like stuff that feels lived in.

1 Comments on “Diversion”

  1. I’m late to this, but wow do I love garage sales. For the very same reason! I love things that have a story. Especially if it’s a story I feel I can contribute to. Unfortunately, I never have anyone who likes to go with me.

    That typewriter and the rocker are awesome finds. 🙂

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