Unique watercolor portraits and pet portraits as seen on dooce.com, marthastewart.com and The Pioneer Woman. Commissions gladly accepted.


My kids fight all day. All. Day. Every. Day. They are eight and six and they fight. I remember doing this with my sister (Hi Amy! I’m going to delete your comments on this subject as soon as you post them!) and we were two years apart too. I thought it would be different with a boy and a girl, but it’s not.

Constant. Bickering.

I find myself saying things I thought I’d never say like, “Do not use your karate moves on your brother!” and “Don’t put your feet in your sister’s face!” I say these things repeatedly every day. It’s not pretty.

So tonight I was pretty much at the end of my rope. I mixed myself a cocktail. And then I decided to channel all that good, amazing, smart, energetic kid energy into something positive.

I remembered a post I read on the Girls Gone Child blog about making fairy gardens.

So we made a fairy garden.

I showed them the pictures on the post. I told them to find whatever they had in their rooms that might be useful. I directed them to the cracked birdfeeder I’d recently planted with hens and chicks and told them to work together, and go for it.

And dammit, they did.

Creative little buggers, aren’t they?

3 Comments on “Diversion”

  1. That is a creative garden, and I notice them standing near each other without karate moves going on 🙂

  2. Pingback: Rachael Rossman: Watercolor Portraits of Man and Beast » A Fable, In Photos

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