Every Dog Has Its Day
It’s a very rare occasion that I receive an email from a client that says simply, “Here’s a photo. Please paint it.” In fact, that’s never happened. Usually, I get to hear a little bit more of the story. A description of the subject, be it man or beast, from someone who really knows them. An anecdote about the person the painting is for (most often, a gift!); or a story about the day the photo was taken.
They’re all good stories, and I think they help shape the final portrait.
Chickenbone Jones is a little dog with a big story. In fact, many stories. You can read about how he was named by a rap star making a music video; how he was paralyzed (but recovered!); how he was almost on a wine label; or most recently, how a portrait I painted of him was someone’s very first Father’s Day gift.

He's a Chugweenie. And proud of it.
I receive messages from clients every day filling me in on the next chapter; how they felt when the painting arrived, the reaction of their friends and family, the special place in their home they’ve chosen to hang their new artwork.
It’s nice to be part of other people’s stories.