My website has been down for 8 days. Eight! Ordinarily, that is not panic-inducing but considering that my traffic went from maybe 150/day to FIVE THOUSAND after the Pioneer Woman post – there has been some subsequent, and I think appropriate, panic.
Thank goodness for Google, because I think that’s how most people are finding me here at the blog when they are turned away from my portfolio site by nasty error messages.
But, rather than dwelling on the horrible horror that is my (now former) web hosting company, I’m very excited to announce that I’m working on a brand new site with the talented Nikki at Design Coyote. The design is super cool and I can’t wait to show you.
The cool part is that we are doing it as a trade and I am painting her a huge portrait of her dog Brody. So huge in fact, that I might have to paint it on the floor because it doesn’t fit on my desk.
I guess I could clear off my desk, but I would have to rearrange and reorganize, and then I’d get side-tracked and I wouldn’t get any painting done at all.
Good luck Rachel. I hope your website problems are solved. I can’t wait to see the finished painting.
How much do you normally charge for the painting about the size of P.W’s charlie?
I love your paintings.
It would be great to know the prices cause i’m thinking about getting one done of my 4-legged babies.
My portraits start at $350 for an 11×14. If you’d like a different size, or to include more than one subject in the same painting, drop me an email at and I can give you a quote!
OH — I was writing a post about the “work in progress” and came here to include the link. And what do I find… Ralf and Mia in progress on your desk! How exciting!
I will send readers here until your site is up and running again.