Unique watercolor portraits and pet portraits as seen on dooce.com, marthastewart.com and The Pioneer Woman. Commissions gladly accepted.

Best. Day. Ever.

Two great things happened today. I’ve been dying to post about it since this morning, but I was too busy answering email and hitting ‘refresh’ on my blog stat counter.

Thing the first: My portrait of Neil Gaiman’s dog Cabal arrived in Minnesota!

I know, right?!

Thing the second: my painting of Charlie was on The Pioneer Woman today!

Charlie is home.

You know this blog is new, so I don’t get a huge amount of traffic over here. But today, thanks to the kind words of @neilhimself and @thepioneerwoman my stats are through the roof. The best part, though?  Two more of my paintings have found good homes.

Goodnight, Charlie. Goodnight, Cabal.

Goodnight, stat counter.

10 Comments on “Best. Day. Ever.”

  1. Rachael, I saw your beautiful work on the Pioneer Woman and fell-in-love with your painting of Charlie. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us to come. Thank you for sharing your gift!
    Best, Leslie
    Roseburg, Or

  2. Rachael I saw your beautiful painting on the PW site, however I can not access your site because it keeps asking me to log on and when I try to it says it is incorrect? 🙁

  3. I found your site through The Pioneer Woman. Your work is awesome–I LOVE your style. I can’t wait until I can commission one of my own. Until then, I’ve got you on my wishlist–and if you ever need any website work, my husband would be happy to hook you up! 😉 Can’t wait to see more of your work.

  4. My website is down, inexplicably. I’m glad you found me here! (And I’ll post an update on this blog when my site is back up and running.)

  5. I tried to get to your website via pioneer woman. I would like to know more about commissioning a work of my lovely cat, Jolie. I couldn’t get to your website, I was asked for a password and username, but if you could contact me at my email address, which I provided, I would appreciate it. Your work is absolutely amazing.

    Thank you.

  6. Hey Rachael,
    pretty soon you’re going to need an assistant. This is great. I love you put the beverage you’re consuming and the soundtrack. Great personal touches. Makes me miss some of those tasty beverages I used to enjoy. I’m on day 8 of a cleanse and it seems like everything I want is off limits. Drink one for me the next time you painT

  7. I saw your painting on Pioneer Woman’s site !! Your water colors are AMAZING. I am just slightly able to draw ( my sister and I usually win at pictionary, that type of “artist”) I tried years ago to do a few water colors, not so good. Yours are just beautiful ! Just lovely and so full of life and color. What a gift you have.
    Sincerely, Judy

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