Unique watercolor portraits and pet portraits as seen on dooce.com, marthastewart.com and The Pioneer Woman. Commissions gladly accepted.

What I did on my Christmas Vacation by Rachael Rossman, age 36

I have a full-time job. And I don’t mean the one that includes pouring milk, doing laundry and feeding Webkinz. I mean a full-time, grown-up, wearing-suits-to-work kind of job. It’s not very often that I take vacation of any significant length, but I do try to when my kids are out of school. This year, I took vacation from Christmas Eve to January 4 and I have to say, it just wasn’t long enough. 

Tomorrow it’s back to work, the suits and the commute. I started to panic yesterday because how could it be over already? And what did I accomplish, really? So here’s what I did do, didn’t do and meant to do.


I worked on a few paintings, even a couple that were Christmas gifts – one that I completed, one that I didn’t. (Sorry, babe!) Then there were three name paintings and two more horsey-type just for fun.


I cooked a a delicious Christmas dinner at my parents’ house, if I do say so myself. Grilled salmon, crab cakes, crab mousse, tuna-pasta salad and shrimp. We’re from the coast, after all. I love cooking at my parents’ house because they have every gadget imaginable and my dad washes the dishes AS I GO. 

I also made good use of my sourdough starter, making sourdough-applesauce cake and doughnuts (and gaining five pounds.)

This sourdough-applesauce cake will make you give up chocolate cake forever.

Crabcakes, I adore thee.

A happy sight - bread dough rising in the pantry.

They might not be much to look at, but they are tasty.



The after-Christmas unpacking extravaganza (how did we get all that stuff in our car?) was followed by an entire day cleaning the kitchen from stem to stern so I could film a cooking segment for the Rachael Ray Show with my 6-year-old as sous chef and my 8-year-old as cameraman. (Stay tuned. It may never see the light of day, but it was fun to do!) 

We made mac and cheese. I cannot make this stuff up.



  • Clean the kids’ rooms
  • Organize the garage and plug in the new freezer
  • Clean the carpet
  • Relax

Maybe next year.

2 Comments on “What I did on my Christmas Vacation by Rachael Rossman, age 36”

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