New Year's Eve Eve. Eve.
The way I figure it, if you don’t make your resolutions directly on New Year’s Eve, they’re more like guidelines. Non-binding suggestions, if you will. Maybe I’m being a bit cautious (some might say chicken) but here’s my list of New Year’s Guidelines, for myself. Right out here for the world to see.
Caution be damned.
- Drink more water. You have to start somewhere.
- Drink less wine and coffee. Oh, but I love wine and coffee.
- Spend less time on the computer. Except blogging, Twitter, Facebook and email.
- Spend more time with my kids.
- Spend more time making art.
- Keep the house cleaner.
- Say ‘no’ more often and know when to ask for help.
- Get out and get moving.
- Don’t sweat the small stuff.
- Make a big deal of myself in 2010.
Look out, world.
Love your resolutions, I may even try to borrow a couple, especially, spend less time on the computer and make more art!!! Thanks for the inspiration!!
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