Starting over
I hate this painting. Hate.
It is a gift for my husband (the ‘bike’ portion of a triathlon series I’m working on) but it’s just not turning out how I’d planned.
So instead of getting all ticked off and pouty, as I tend to do, I’m going to view this as an opportunity. You see, with Yupo paper, you can actually wash it off and start over. And here are the pictures to prove it.
It’s not so bad, really, to give yourself a second chance every now and then.
I thought it turned out rather well. What didn’t you like about it?
Well, I liked the figure part of it, but wasn’t crazy about the background. I like the composition of the original photo, but it just wasn’t translating well in paint. I’m going to do a new version of this that is more focused on the bike and rider.
Good luck with the new version…can’t wait to see it!
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