A Blog A Day While The Kids Are Away: Forgetful
So I’m always complaining about how I never have TIME to do this, or do that. And then this weekend my kids are spirited off to grandma’s house and I don’t know what to do with all this TIME.
Turns out I had time enough to FORGET my blog-a-day-while-the-kids-are-away pledge. So…sorry about that. Because I’m generally good at keeping promises.
One thing I did manage to do was start on a bunch of holiday orders for custom name paintings. The orders have been pouring in from my review over at Swistle Reviews and I’ve been busy planning them in my mind (sometimes while I’m at work..oops) and sketching them out and painting late into the night with the aid of highly caffeinated beverages.
Tonight though, tonight is mostly about cleaning house for my parents and in-laws that are coming to visit tomorrow. I’m also getting a head start on my Thanksgiving cooking by making My Own Croutons for stuffing and putting a sourdough starter out to work so I can make dinner rolls.
Days like these…work-home-teacher conferences-dinner-clean-bake-laundry-art…can go one of two ways. It’s not uncommon for me to yell, “Serenity now!” and plop down on the couch with a glass of wine but tonight, I’m embracing the chaos and pretending to be Superwoman. Also with a glass of wine.